Monday 12 November 2012

Music Audition

Today I had a music audition for my school band next year. I was tested in trumpet and trombone, I found it quite difficult to blow the trumpet, and I found it easier to blow the trombone. So I chose trombone. But next year I will not be there to play the trombone, I wish I could  play the trombone but I can't.

Saturday 16 June 2012

NAP Graduation

At my school there are NAP classes NAP is the short for (New Arrivals Program).

Every term there is always children exiting to mainstreams classes, for the exiting children they need to make a speech about how was being in NAP class, and each class have to present something.

Like last term my class did some example of describing an ice cream because we did some verbs, and the embarrasing part was I was the ice cream. So I was wondering what will I be on the next NAP graduation.

Friday 25 May 2012

Stories That I Read

I borrowed this book from school library, and my mum said that I need to summary this story. This book was published in 2001 I even haven't born yet, and the page is not many it was only 60 pages I even can read it in 25 minutes or maybe less than that. And the title of the story is
                                              THE MERMAID'S TAIL
 it's written by Raewyn Caisly and illustrated by Ann James.

So one day there's a girl named Crystal, she likes to be a character in fairy tale. She has been a fairy when she was three years old, and now she is older so she really wanted to be a mermaid.She did everything to make it happen, but it didn't happen. And one day her mum made a mermaid tail for her, she loved it and she wore it every time, she wore at breakfast, at school, at the supermarket even in a bath. And one night she wore her mermaid tail and there's a dolphin knocking on her window. So she open the window and swam with the dolphin all day then she feels tired, so she get out of her room and said to her mother that she wanted to be a butterfly.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Recess And Lunch

When Naia is new in school it is Ramadan so we are fasting when the Ramadan finish she can eat recess and lunch but she get mixed up with recess and lunch even though my mum told her already. So at recess I always check her so she don't eat her lunch at recess time.

Excursion At School And Aliy Was Born.

Last year 7-9-2011 me and Naia had an excursion with our school to Adelaide royal show.We saw lots of animals before recess,and  Naia ate her lunch at recess.After that my class saw a wood chopper.After we saw the wood chopper we walk to the wool place where there's lots of sheep.And then it is lunch time we sit down at the horse jumping place we ate our lunch together with Naia's class and then I ask her where is your lunch then she said I ate my lunch at recess and that's where I know Naia ate her lunch at recess.After that we walk around and then we went home.After that I play out side, after I play out side we went to a hospital because that time Aliy was born.I wait in the hospital until 2:00 am and then at the morning me and Naia didn't go to school.

Monday 16 April 2012

Learning Chinese From Friends

My friend Firda is learning Chinese in her school so she told me some words in Chinese.Actually she told Naia's friends like Salwah,Zihni and Faiq but I'm pretty sure that they don't understand what does it mean.Because you know, they don't really understand English so how could they know Chinese?

Learning Spanish From Tv Program

In the TV there is a program that called Sesame Street  some of the characters said things in Spanish and that's where I learn Spanish. Sometimes I took a piece of a paper and a pen to write down the words.By that I can learn languages.


Yesterday I knitted a little handkerchief In Firda's house.She taught me how to knit from the starting,when I look at Firda it looks difficult but when I try it its not hard at all.It is not hard to knit a little handkerchief actually.

Strawberry Smoothies

Yesterday and yesterday night, I made a strawberry smoothies.And I drink it when there's a movie called Home Alone.I ate some chips and after that because I were so sleepy I slept at 12.00 o'clock.

Thursday 12 April 2012

Bananas Porridge

Yesterday my mum made a banana porridge for Aliy, and it smells so nice so I asked my mum if we can make another porridge and then she said "yes but you have to cut the banana into a little cubes and pour a milk half of the glass and mix it with 1 and a half spoon sugar and then she cooked it in the stove and we eat them it was so yummy.

Lab Rats At Play Time

Today at play time my friends and my little sister played Lab Rats it was so fun.We have a race and we got 2 teams which is blue and red.I am the captain of the blue team, in my team I have Naia my sister and Salwa which is Naia's  friend,and Elma is the captain of the red team she got Zihni and Faiq.Zihni and Faiq are siblings.


Few days ago I made a crown for me and Aliy and Naia make her own. I made a little people in a circle to make the crown.I make 1 for me and1 for Aliy and Naia make her own.And then I made a crown with a little jewelry drawn on it,I make 1 for me,1 for Aliy and 1 for Naia.

My First Time In Library

At the afternoon mum,Aliy,Naia and me went to library.We made a card to borrow I got 1, Naia got 1, Aliy got 1 and mum got 1.We can borrow 35 items for each card. I borrow DVD and books I,borrowed 4 DVDs and 4 books.We read books in the cushions and play puzzle.

Wednesday 11 April 2012


When I want to go to Adelaide the plane transit on Malaysia,my sister want to go to the toilet so we look for it but nearly everything is in Malaysian.But then my dad said toilet in Malaysian is tandas and then I just remembered that tandas in Indonesian is empty.

Lab Rats

Lab Rats is my favorite program on the television.Lab Rats is about science,there are lots of experiments about science.There are lots of stages.The stages are: Nano challenge,What will happen if,Method madness and Rat race.Each of the stage has points,Nano challenge has 10 points,What will happen if has 5 points,Method madness has 15 points,and the Rat race has an extra points there are 5,10,15,20 each team will take 2 extra points.And then there will be extra 30 points for the first team who came out of the maze,and the winner will get cheese dump.

Learning Quran and Iqro

Every night after shalat maghrib,my mum said that we need to practice our Quran.So Naia my sister read Iqro,Iqro is a book that little children use to learn how to read Quran.Quran is a holy book for Muslim

Play Shops

At play time I played play shops with Naia's friend,we played play shops at Zihni's house.The cashier people are Naia my sister,Zihni and Faiq are siblings,and Salwah.the people that buying things are me,Elma and Alvan.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

From Pants To Bag

When I went to Firda's house,which is my friend,that time she's cutting her jeans,and then she asked me,"What are we going to do with the jeans scrap??". And then I got an idea,we can make a bag! So I sew the jeans scrap and then make the handle. After that, I take the bag home and showed to mum.

From Pants To Shorts

My pants has a hole on it so my mum said that I can cut them.Then my mum cut them but one side is long and the other side is shorter, so I cut some more.After I cut them I sew them and then I show it to my mum.And then I tried them.The shorts were a bit big for me.
 my new short from the long pant's scrap

Twin Chicks

When I said to mum to fry me an egg, for Indomie, I found an egg that has two egg yolks and then I said that when it crack soon there will be twin chicks.

Monday 9 April 2012

Playing Under The Table

Yesterday my friend Elma came to play at my house.We were playing with Aliy my brother,my mum taught him how to walk.He walk from the television to the dinning table.He sat under the table and take a box of Indomie and he played with it.

Sunday 8 April 2012

My Baby Brother Aliy

My baby brother Aliy is very active baby. He likes to roll on the bed. He always wanted to play, he always  babbling, and yell and scream. But I still like him because he is so cute even though he's noisy.

Saturday 7 April 2012

My Oral Presantation At school

About Me.
My name is Vianka I come from Indonesia I speak Indonesian and a bit of Spanish. I am 9 years old. I am the eldest in my family, I have a little sister and little brother. I like my brother because he is so cute, and my sister is always annoying only sometimes she's funny.

Why Can't Batman Fly??

Batman has robe to fly but,he use tools to fly not the robe:D.The name is bat-man,so he must can fly.A bat can fly so why can't batman????? I wonder why?????????????????

source :

Differences Between Puffin And Penguins

My mum doesn't know what's the difference between puffins and penguins.Then I told her what's the difference, puffin and penguins spelled differently :p, and the sounds of the letter are different :D.
Puffin is a  kind of a bird that live on the ice,but the color of the fur is like penguins fur.Puffin can fly,and penguin cannot fly.I learned about puffin at movie called HAPPY FEET TWO.


Friday 6 April 2012

My Oral Presentation At School

Should we get a homework

I don't mind getting homework.The good points of getting homework are:
1.I can practice my writing,so it get  better now.
2.I learn gather information by using Internet.
The bad points of getting homework are:
1.I have a less time to play with my friends.
2.I have a less time to play in my computer.
I don't mind getting homework as long as is not much because if it's too much I cannot spend my spare time.

Play School At Play Time

At play time me and my friends play school every evening.My friend Elma is the teacher,and I'm the teacher as well.My students names are:Naia which is my sister,Zihni,Faiq are siblings,Salwa and sometimes Kayleen is playing with us.Sometimes Alvan is playing with us as the volunteer.We played school under the clothesline.

Thursday 5 April 2012

Indofest 2012

Last Sunday I went to Rymill park, I had face painting. I had butterfly on my face,and Naia my sister, had butterfly as well.My brother Aliy had little elmo on his face.

                           face painting

After that we made kuda lumping and then we watched warog.After we watched warog, we drew a picture,and then me, Naia and my dad went on to the boat then we went home.

                           Naia,me and Aliy with paint on the face

Wednesday 4 April 2012

My Baskets Full Of Easter Eggs

At school I made two bunnies baskets and 1 white basket.And then my teacher gave me lots of  chocolates,candies and Easter eggs.And my sister got Easter eggs,candies and lots of chocolates.

But my dentist said that we can't eat sweet lots.So we can eat our chocolates,Easter eggs and candies sometimes only.