Saturday 7 April 2012

My Oral Presantation At school

About Me.
My name is Vianka I come from Indonesia I speak Indonesian and a bit of Spanish. I am 9 years old. I am the eldest in my family, I have a little sister and little brother. I like my brother because he is so cute, and my sister is always annoying only sometimes she's funny.


  1. Ummu Aisyah Aini11 April 2012 at 04:04


    Hi vianka! What a wonderful and lovely blog you have ^^. It inspires me to write on my blog even more..... Thank you!

    I'm a mother of 3 children. The first and the second are girls, and the third is a baby boy. Just like you and your siblings right ^^v

    I'm indonesian too, but now we live in Kobe, Japan. Have you ever been to Japan before? It's beginning of spring here. What about there, vianka?

    Well, I really hope that you'll always get along with your sister and brother. My two girls also sometimes don't get along or even fight each other. But other times they are just like a very best friends ^^

    1. assalamualaikum tante thank you for comment at my blog I haven't been Japan before.
